
ThisreportrevealshowChinacaughtuptotheUSinmanyindustriesincludingusecasesyoucannotevenimagine.Amust-readforallAIfocusedinvestors, ...,掌握AI利器,抢占先机!站长AI奉上全方位AI工具合集,内容鉴定、编程、SEO、智能写作等尽在其中,轻松解决难题,让你事半功倍,还有更多惊喜等你发现!,2024年6月10日—China'sAIjourneyillustratesthattransformativepowerintechnologyisn'tsolelyaboutcutting-edgeinnovation.Inste...


This report reveals how China caught up to the US in many industries including use cases you cannot even imagine. A must-read for all AI focused investors, ...

站长AI-简单好用的AI工具合集,文案内容自动 ...


China's AI Gambit

2024年6月10日 — China's AI journey illustrates that transformative power in technology isn't solely about cutting-edge innovation. Instead, it's about utilizing ...

A price war breaks out among China's AI

7 天前 — The latest products to enter the ruinous fray are artificial-intelligence (AI) chatbots. This may seem surprising. Until recently China's ...

China AI Day —— LLM 最佳实践和应用会议

基于LLM 技术的理解、生成、逻辑和记忆四大核心能力,百度营销全面重构商业生态,AI Native 全景应用落地,打造商业智能体,包括懂营销的AIGC 创意内容生产平台“擎舵”,用 ...

The fifth Vertical Atlas event focuses on the implications of AI developments for Chinese city management, political and economic governance, as well as its ...

China AI

By Shaoyu Yuan. Rather than pushing the boundaries of innovation, Beijing seeks to mold existing AI technologies to fit its own socio-political objectives.

The U.S.

2024年6月5日 — The United States and China commenced their first intergovernmental dialogue on artificial intelligence (AI) in Geneva on May 14, 2024.